Tahe Scapa kayak

Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak
Tahe Scapa kayak

SCAPA : Fast cruising

With its narrow, water-cutting bow section and clean hull shape, the Scapa is a boat that is designed for speed. The look matches the feel in every way but still retains the excellent stability and added safety and comfort you expect from a BIC ‘Sit-On-Top’.With excellent speed, the Scapa is a true sport boat designed and built for fast cruising and physical conditioning. What’s more, it’s an excellent boat for learning sea kayaking. Even in difficult sea conditions, the Scapa holds its course thanks to its superb glide and reassuring stability. The molded baggage storage area behind the cockpit allows you to load up with diving tanks, as well as fishing or touring equipment.


Sit-On-Top PERFORMANCE : Further, faster
Much longer than our other boats, the three models in the PERFORMANCE series are aimed at a more sporty market, offering a wider range of paddling styles and options, but still easy to use. Joining the Scapa, which has already more than proved itself commercially, two new models bring the range bang up to date. The Java and Borneo models arrive with a fistfull of innovations.


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Begin: 21/02/2025   End: 07/03/2025
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